Weight Loss Program

Whether you are working on losing 10 pounds or 200, we’re here to help! Our focus related to weight loss is on teaching you the tools you need to reach your goals while juggling all of the other demands of a busy life. At OneStep, we know we aren’t helping with just a goal, we are helping you, a person with many factors affecting you in life, gain tools you will use for the rest of your life to be happier and healthier. Weight loss isn’t just about calories, it’s about the mental effort it takes to maintain focus on your goal.

What will my weight loss journey look like?

Fad diets, diet pill advertisements, etc. try to make it seem like there is an “easy solution” to being healthy. The reality is, reaching any goal worth reaching takes effort. We are here to help give you the tools you need to make the process as easy as possible. 


Your exercise program can be a simple 2-3 days a week of stretching and light exercise, a challenging program of 5 days a week of moderate to intense exercise, or anything in between. At OneStep, we believe in the principle that sustainable weight and well-being requires at least some amount of regular activity and also that the body needs some time each week to rest in order to realize it’s full potential. Therefore, we don’t promote 7 days a week of training and we don’t offer weight loss solutions that don’t utilize at least some amount of exercise as a part of the plan.


At the start, we’ll ask you to track what you eat for 3-5 days, so that we can get a good baseline of your current eating habits. It’s important to know what kind of foods you are eating, with an estimate of protein, fat, and calories, but there’s no need to be more detailed than that- unless you want to!

Stress Management

If any of the following applies to you, it is recommended that stress management work be included in your weight loss plan:

  • At least once a day I have trouble controlling my worry
  • When I try to change my daily routine to be healthier, I have trouble maintaining those changes
  • At least once a week I get really anxious and it takes significant time/effort to feel better again
  • I often am hard on myself, criticizing myself for how I look, how I feel, or mistakes I make
  • Most days, I feel pretty “blah” instead of being overall happy
  • I spend several hours a day feeling like I need to hurry, concerned I might make a mistake or forget something, or feeling pressure from external forces (instead of spending most of my time feeling like everything is going smoothly)

Stress directly impacts weight loss goals as cortisol is released when we are stressed, which slows metabolism and can spike cravings. Including stress management skills helps you address any stress, anxiety, self-esteem, and/or motivation challenges you may be experiencing to help make the road to success as easy as possible.

Parts of this program may be covered by insurance

Currently accepting Optum, United Healthcare, Aetna, and some Blue Cross, Blue Shield plans. Additionally, we’ll soon be able to accept Medicaid. Email us to discuss your specific eligibility.

FSA or workplace wellness stipends can also often be used to cover what insurance does not.

I’m Ready for the Next Step

For clients with nutrition goals separate from weight loss: I offer consultations and nutrition plans specific to you based on your current baseline and future goals. For those that want continued assistance on their journey to their nutrition goals, we can schedule follow up consultations to discuss progress and continued steps, making adjustments as needed. Book an assessment now to get started.

Teaching healthy habits to our children.

We also offer assistance with building healthy eating habits for the next generation. Learning how to decide when to treat yourself in moderation, while overall making healthy choices is so important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you have a child aged 3-10, check out our parenting program for more information on how we can help.

Self-guided courses with or without one on one coaching available.

Courses teaching both basic and advanced concepts of nutrition will be available soon. Understanding the building blocks of a balanced diet and how nutrition plays a role in our weight and physical goals empowers us to better care for ourselves. In the meantime, feel free to check out our newsletter that includes tips for nutrition, or sign up here:

What My Clients Say About Me

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Freya Sanz